Monday, January 11, 2010

What To Expect From TDH in 2010

  • More detailed and gratuitous analysis of Edward's sparkley bits. Oh. We know a lot.
  • New Moon DVD Release coverage. Well, maybe not so much coverage as a weekend swooning binge peppered with incoherent in-joke blog posts interspersed with in-depth and hilarious analyses.
  • Eclipse Lockdown. Team Deer is going underground. It will be as if we never existed. Until we resurface after a weekend swooning binge peppered with incoherent in-joke blog posts interspersed with in-depth and hilarious analyses.
  • If the rumors are true, Robstalk: Portland (or Vancouver, whatever) during filing of Breaking Dawn.
  • How much do we know about Edward's penis?
  • What don't we know? What would we like to know?
  • Total Eclipse of the Heart (also a good cocktail name)
  • Partial Eclipse of the Sparkle.
  • Maybe we'll get another fan. Woohoo!
What would you like to see from TDH in the coming year?

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I hope Emilie gives us another song-by-song analysis of the Eclipse soundtrack, when available.
