Monday, July 19, 2010

Preclipe Party Premier. Pompadour. Pontification?

On June 29th, 2010, Team Deer convened for the world famous Team Deer Preclipse Prefunk Midnight Showing. Party.

The replicas were gathered, the candles lit...

Our Edwardian shrine needed only one addition

Yes, yes. Our party was singled out by Edward Cullen.

He assumed we were going to be watching New Moon first, and dressed accordingly
...but we explained to him that we couldn't bear it.

Instead, we spent the evening snacking and drinking. Edward politely refrained from both activities, but allowed us to manipulate his hard, smooth, sparkling... limbs, anyway we wished.
We sat him on a plastic horse.

But wait! There's more! The party, as you well may guess from the alliterative title of this post, was merely a precursor to waiting in line for the midnight showing of Eclipse! Edward joined us for that as well, and threatened all those who mocked us with his sparkle butt.

There was some confusion at the door as to whether Edward was expected to have a ticket to his very own movie premiere. But worrying was pointless! Edward sparkled magnificently as he wooed the ticket taker, and he and Sydney entered the theater on a hastily created two-for-one ticket deal (apparently if you come with an Edward and a ticket, you get in for free!)

We found our seats, settled in and prepared ourselves for the third installment of a most dazzling series. The End.

But wait! There's even more!
No really. You'll just have to wait.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

They Do Entertainment....Big?

They even named a theatre after him!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Eclipse Soundtrack: Rolling in on a Burning Tire

Just because the lyrics mention a full moon and waiting a long time to die and stuff doesn't qualify it to be on the soundtrack. But Jack White's creepy and forceful riffs are pretty awesome. Ok, your song can be about Edward.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Eclipse Soundtrack: A Million Miles An Hour

This song title sounds like the answer to a naughty riddle about Edward.

But anyway....

This is a song about lost love, and makes more sense for New Moon, but I guess it could be about Jacob. The only reason it doesn't really seem like it's about Jacob is that it sort of sounds like it's being sung by an old miner (not an old minor like Edward, hahaha). Seems like it's more about Jasper. In cowboy boots, ma'am.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Eclipse Soundtrack: Chop and Change

"She found no love in this town"?


Have they not been paying attention? She fell in love with two hot boys in that darn town. Two hot boys who fell in love with her too (and probably with each other)!


One, two.

One plus one is two.

PS What is chop and change? Chop and change is an idiom meaning to keep changing what you do or what you plan to do, often in a way that is confusing and annoying for other people. Also false. Bella is annoying, but she is quite constant in her motivations.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Eclipse Soundtrack: With You in My Heart

Ooo, this one might be about the newborns!

no giving into taking more but still still feedin',
you're clearly disturbed,
all you want is allegiance

It's pretty cool I guess.

Edward, contemplating newborns.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Eclipse Soundtrack: What Part of Forever

Oh, it's another little song about Jacob, wanting to run away with Bella, or just run away.

Why do they all sound so old-timey??? This one has whistling.

Eclipse Soundtrack: Life on Earth

Do you think they wrote a song that uses less than 10 words (including "la") on a dare?