The replicas were gathered, the candles lit...
Our Edwardian shrine needed only one addition
Yes, yes. Our party was singled out by Edward Cullen.
He assumed we were going to be watching New Moon first, and dressed accordingly
...but we explained to him that we couldn't bear it.
Instead, we spent the evening snacking and drinking. Edward politely refrained from both activities, but allowed us to manipulate his hard, smooth, sparkling... limbs, anyway we wished.
We sat him on a plastic horse.
But wait! There's more! The party, as you well may guess from the alliterative title of this post, was merely a precursor to waiting in line for the midnight showing of Eclipse! Edward joined us for that as well, and threatened all those who mocked us with his sparkle butt.
There was some confusion at the door as to whether Edward was expected to have a ticket to his very own movie premiere. But worrying was pointless! Edward sparkled magnificently as he wooed the ticket taker, and he and Sydney entered the theater on a hastily created two-for-one ticket deal (apparently if you come with an Edward and a ticket, you get in for free!)
We found our seats, settled in and prepared ourselves for the third installment of a most dazzling series. The End.
But wait! There's even more!
No really. You'll just have to wait.
Instead, we spent the evening snacking and drinking. Edward politely refrained from both activities, but allowed us to manipulate his hard, smooth, sparkling... limbs, anyway we wished.
We sat him on a plastic horse.
But wait! There's more! The party, as you well may guess from the alliterative title of this post, was merely a precursor to waiting in line for the midnight showing of Eclipse! Edward joined us for that as well, and threatened all those who mocked us with his sparkle butt.
There was some confusion at the door as to whether Edward was expected to have a ticket to his very own movie premiere. But worrying was pointless! Edward sparkled magnificently as he wooed the ticket taker, and he and Sydney entered the theater on a hastily created two-for-one ticket deal (apparently if you come with an Edward and a ticket, you get in for free!)
We found our seats, settled in and prepared ourselves for the third installment of a most dazzling series. The End.
But wait! There's even more!
No really. You'll just have to wait.