Monday, December 22, 2008

Movie and Book: The short list

The Good, The Bad... There is no Ugly, They're vampires!

Movie Pros
Jasper's bug-eyed expression
Vampire Wardrobe
Emmet's track suit
Charlie and the Shotgun
Vitamin R
Edward doesn't chuckle
Edward following Bella into the woods is the best scene ever.
The golden Onion
Alice ripping James to pieces.

Movie Cons
Glitter Skin + bells chiming = wtf? I know the skin glitter is a huge part, but couldn't they just make it glow or something?
"The Cullens don't come here"-- perhaps one of the most important lines, but they get it completely wrong.
Too fast, too fast!
No pond diving scene.
Tree Hopping
Monkey references. ??

Book Pros
Bella's obsession with Edward
Edward being sinister
Carlisle's History
The meadow
Good Lines (that weren't in the movie):
"Your Number was up the first time we met"
"I would rather die than stay away from you"
"If I could dream at all, it would be about you"
"You don't care if I'm a monster?"
"Sometimes I have a problem with my temper Bella"

Book Cons
White sleeveless button up T-shirts. I didn't even know you could buy those... or did he rip the sleeves off??
Tan Leather Jacket
Less chuckling, more brooding and smirking
No Beer!

So, feel free to add your OWN pros and cons.

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