Twilight: Why does Edward wear a white button up sleeveless shirt? Yeah, I've worn one before. IN MARCHING BAND. effing polyester and tuba spittle! Seriously! The Volturi would surely bring the wives from the towers for such a horrid abuse of fashion.
New Moon Plot: So, if I accidently tried to kill my brother's girlfriend, causing my brother to break up with her and move the entire family out of her reach to keep her safe... which of course breaks my brother's heart and makes him a pathetic shell of a man... wouldn't I feel a little guilty? And when my brother returns from Italy, after almost dying, wouldn't I STILL feel guilty? So my question is, where is the apology scene? Or do I just roll my eyes at my brooding brother for taking everything so seriously? Even Rosalie's apology was a little pathetic. Maybe vampires are just used to drama, and quick to forgive, but it seems like the entire family is just a little too relaxed about the whole situation.
Eclipse/Breaking Dawn: If Rosalie is really bitter about being a vampire because she can't have children, then wouldn't Bella's situation just make her more bitter? Wouldn't she be extremely jealous that her vampire brother gets to have a family?
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