Saturday, August 8, 2009

That's My (Wet) T-Shirt

The one thing Twilight is missing is a good old fashioned pond-diving scene.

Sure, the scene in question was invented for the Pride and Prejudice BBC mini-series, and appears nowhere in the novel itself. But Jane herself probably would have participated in the collective swoon heard round the world when ladies everywhere first viewed that scene. And sometimes book-to-film adaptations need to take some liberties in order to visually interpret what the narrative in the novel would have described to us. And gosh, what a perfect way to show Darcy's wealth (That's My Pond), vulnerability (mussed hair, caught unawares) and vitality (clingy trousers).

Just like Jane Austen fans enjoyed seeing Mr. Darcy's nipples, we members of Team Edward would appreciate a little wet t-shirt action please. Catherine "Rob is So Hot" Hardwicke attempted to oblige us with the brief scene in which Edward and Bella discuss vampirism. She certainly did her best to drench him with as much water as possible, while completely ignoring that one girl (whatshername? Beatrice? Beulah?). But alas, Edward was clad in a dark shirt and all we see is water trickling down his face. Nice, but not quite as iconic.

Oh well. Maybe there will be such a scene in the Breaking Dawn movie on the beach. In the mean time, we shall have to make do with these brilliant photographs.


  1. Specimen #1: Bella finds out Edward is a never-nude

    Specimen #2: You want me to do what with my what?

  2. I'm sorry, I just have to add something


