Friday, March 26, 2010

New Moon DVD Extras: Unrequited Sparkle

Conspicuously missing from the audio commentary: Our Deer Mr. Pattinson.

No hilarious nonlinear comments!

No pointing out plot holes!

No questions that make it clear he is just now seeing the movie for the first time!

No being hit on by the director!

How, one might ask, are we supposed to develop a drinking game?

The deleted scenes are sadly lacking in extra kissing/falling onto each other/biting/sparkling scenes. I thought that at least Bella's deleted dream sequence, where Edward is crouching on her bed, might prompt some swooning. There isn't even any gratuitous werewolf kissing!

The highlight of the DVD extras is in Part 4 of the documentary, a brief comment Rob makes while filming the Ghost of Edward Appears During Dirt Bike Rev Up scene. You know the part where the Ghost of Edward puts his hand over Bella's on the dirt bike handle bars and says "Stop."? Rob comments that "I kept noticing how creepy my hand looks." Rob laughs awkwardly and says to his hand, "You stop! Me! Stop!"

Yeah, it was amazing.

In summary: fainting couches were not needed.

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