Saturday, February 28, 2009

Guest blog: Matilda's Thoughts.

Note from the Editor: Matilda sent this to my on my birthday of birthdays, and I am very flattered by it. Thank you! 

Things that Emilie and Edward have in common (now with visual accompaniment!!!):

Look at how black my eyes are! But don't get too close... grrr

2.Cool hair
3.Someone I don't mind sharing my bed with muhahaha
4.has good taste
5.can be mysterious (all those long walks)
6.musical skizzles 
7.trouble maker
8.very good at a lot of different things (see point 6...and point 3 muhahahaha)
9. Will not be defeated by overwhelming odds (armies of mini-vampires, the Japanese language, the ancient undead, the ancient and unfortunately living patriarchy)
10. takes good care of others, even if they are far away
11. smarts
12. Sexiness
13. Part of a band (as vampire/as drummer)
14. makes their own way in a world that wants everyone one lifestyle fits all
15. a good friend to have -for the long days and for the danger at the door
oh my god! You like to smirk and wear sunglasses too?

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