Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vampires Are People Too

Do you think that the New Moon movie will be told entirely from Bella's perspective, consistent with the book? Or will they give us a glimpse of a miserable Edward, separated from Bella? The moviemakers had better throw us a bone. They must do something extra special for us, since this book involves a shocking lack of Edward throughout.

Maybe they will break some of the Twilight vampire rules and let Edward have stubble for his tortured New Moon moments. They SHOULD. And maybe give him a few bad habits. Yesssss!

A vampire's self-destructive behavior should involve more than taking one's shirt off in Italy (even if said vampire is hot and bedazzle-icious). Give us some cheap burbon and cigarettes, people! Maybe throw in some dark circles under the eyes (which is, afterall, Twilight-approved).

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