Friday, May 8, 2009

Which Twilight Vampire are you?

Forget those other Twilight quizzes! Mine is way more awesome. Feel free to pick the answers that will land you the vampiric identity you wish to be (as I think they might be obvious). Or, you know, choose the ones that are most like you. Whatever. 

1. You are going shopping for a new wardrobe. Where do you go?
a. Goodwill, or a cool vintage shop, or I just take the clothes from the last person who... well.. 
b. Forever 21 
c. I wear what Alice tells me to... sadly. 
d. I have a tailor
e. The internet. 
f. Big 5 Sporting goods
g. I design my own clothes
h. I take all the good clothes that Alice picks out. heh heh. 

2. You are hungry. What do you eat?
a. I prefer the ones that walk on 2 legs. 
b. That annoying dog that always barks when I walk by. Woof no more!
c. Lions... or Bel- nooooo *self loathes*
d. meh, they all taste the same these days. 
e. Moose
f. Grizzly
g. It depends on who I'm hunting with.
h. meh, they all taste the same these days. Though I've never tried monkey. 

3. Your friend did something uncouth. What is your reaction?
a. lets make out!
b. I snort and say I told you so 
c. I disapprove, but secretly wish I could do something uncouth
d. shrugs
e. I offer words of comfort... but threaten to hurt them if they ever do it again. 
f. In 200 years, we'll laugh about this!
g. After making sure the consequences aren't dire, I tell them to move on already!
h. I tell them to take it easy for awhile. 

4. You just got back from a hunt. You feel...
a. satisfied
b. like punching Edward for eating all the good ones
c. slightly cheered... but the darkness will come again soon. hhhhh
d. hunt? Why would I chase something when I could have it brought to me?
e. ready for loooove
f. ready for a shower and a change of clothes
g. slightly giddy
h. not. satisfied. 

5. You have a loved one. What endearing term do you use for them?
a. rubikins
b. monkey man 
c. umm, love? thats a good one, right? 
d. I do not speak of love. 
e. human
f. Huntress
g. scarzipan
h. You don't want to know. no really.

6. When the sun is out, you
a. take the chance to wash and dry my clothes in the nearest river/lake.
b. go for a joy ride
c. sparkle! And frolick. Always both. 
d. The sun still rises, does it? hmm. interesting
e. wait for night. The best activities are at night. 
f. go for a joy ride. 
g. hastily pull out a summer outfit, for everyone, and demand a family outing
h. persuade everyone to do their own thing, so that I am the only one who is available for the "family outing". heh heh. 

7. When you are angry, what do you do?
a. kill someone
b. I might kill someone. I've done it before. 
c. I break stuff. 
d. I try to irritate my brothers
e. I make sure anyone who touches me regrets it
f.  I will fight you!
g. Make wild predictions
h. snarl

8. What is your favorite color?
a. blood red
b. blood red
c. beige, no blood, no beige... no... agh!
d. blood red
e. blood red
f. blood red
g. blood red
h. blood red

If you chose mostly a: You are Victoria

-you know what you want, and you know how to get it. You like to stay on the move, and you don't care much for fitting in. You act on impulse and don't have time to be bothered with the consequences! Life may not be short, but you prefer to keep in the fast lane all the same.

If you chose mostly b: You are Rosalie

- You are a strong, confident individual. You have been known to hold grudges, which makes you difficult to be around at times. But you don't care what other people think of you, because you know you are the best. At everything. All the time

If you chose mostly c: you are Edward
- You are a strong confident individual... in public. But those that know you are quite aware of your many insecurities. Your quiet manner makes you appear haughty, but when in the company of close friends or family, you are known to be pleasant -- like a dry martini. You often wish for a more carefree existence, but are caught up on rules that cause much anxiety, and result in many a buzzkill. You mope a lot. You would probably be happier if you could spend more time in the Sun. 

If you chose mostly d: You are Marcus
-You are an old soul. An old, bored soul. 

If you chose mostly e: You are Kate
-You are a well balanced vampire! You've had your days, of course, when it seemed that the sun would never set, but now that you've got your way of life figured out, you are going to enjoy it! You are quick to spread joy, and slow to anger (as it has painful consequences to those you love), but also don't hesitate to dole it out if it is needed. 

If you chose mostly f: You are Emmett

-You are ready for pretty much anything. Sticks and stones can't break your bones, and words are pretty boring. You are a loyal friend, and though you may not always understand the decisions of the people closest to you, you will always have their back. Your strengths are best manifested in physical activities... and that last sentence probably made you snicker. 

If you chose mostly g: You are Alice

-Your special mind powers have given you a depth of understanding that many who are much older than you will never achieve. Your weirdness is endearing, and makes you fun to be around, especially in a world that appears dull and static to your kind. Always the life behind the party, you try to brighten the world around you, though sometimes, sometimes you take advantage of your abilities, to manipulate people into the palm of your hand. You are known to laugh maniacally, to yourself. 

If you chose mostly h: You are Jasper

-You grew up fast, you grew up hard! You have honed your instincts, and they are usually right. You are a natural leader, but don't mind taking the backseat -- no fights for alpha male here! Your charisma makes it easy for you to make friends, but you prefer to keep the inner circle a small one. By surrounding yourself with others of strong character, you can be sure to engage in some scuffles here and there, but this only increases respect on both ends. 

So, which vampire are you? 


  1. I was Alice, but I kind of did that on purpose. AWESOMEST quiz ever.

  2. I am totally Edward, and maybe a little bit Marcus. I may have written the quiz that way on purpose.

  3. Great quiz! Like Jean, I was Alice until I started bitching and moaning about it being unrealistic that we are both Alice. Then I realized I'm Rosalie.
