Friday, September 11, 2009

Twilight Drinking Game: Commentary

Guess what folks, its the weekend! And I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Emilie is going to see Jackson rock out in Vancouver, and we're just gonna have to sit here and be sad!"

Oh, don't worry my friends, I have a solution! Have you ever watched the Twilight Commentary? No? Not so much? Good, because it is much more enjoyable when accompanied with rules and alcohol. And what better way to pass the time while I'm rocking out, than to drink and watch Twilight? You might have to stretch it out over the whole weekend in order to avoid alcohol poisoning.

Twilight Drinking Game: With Commentary
A Drink for...
-Every time Catherine Hardwicke hits on RP
-References to Pacific Northwest Weather, "Those people of the NW", etc.
- Every time they say Vitamin R
-Every time Robert Pattinson giggles (we're looking for the full on, squeaky gasp giggle here, not just the old one two hehe.)
-References to Edward's Bouffant, Eyebrows.
-When Robert Pattinson questions Twilight plot

Bottoms up for
-That's my t-shirt
-Ren and Stimpy reference
-"I'd like to fit in a box" comment

If you are already drunk by the time you get to that's my t-shirt, you should probably just stop. Easy Jasperillas are delicious for this game, but I would recommend a higher ratio of root beer to whiskey... I speak from experience. Or, just stick to beer if you want to try to make it through the whole thing. Might I suggest... Vitamin R? Thats one drink y'all!

Bottoms up Rob... bottoms up

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