Friday, November 6, 2009

Vitamin R vs. Vitamin R

If you google Vitamin R and/or look in the urban dictionary, it turns out it's some song I didn't know about, or Ritalin.


Vitamin R is Charlie Swan's brilliant pet name for Rainer Beer tall boys, and our (stolen) pet name for another tall boy, Robert Pattinson.
Today's assignment: compare and contrast Vitamin R and Vitamin R.
  • Effervescence - mmm, bubbles.
  • Height - both are tall.
  • Refreshing qualities - both are equally cool and delicious and hit the spot.
  • Price - one is extremely affordable. The other...???
  • Availability - unless you like looking at pictures of beer online, one is a LOT more available than the other.
  • Availability - I can run to the store to pick up a six pack of one. The other's six pack is more elusive.
  • Addictive qualities: I can't say I've known anyone to be addicted to Rainer...
  • Overdoses: One is much more dangerous. Much much much more.
What the heck is that? (TWSS)

Rainier: "A Pure, Light, Delicious, Healthful Beer, that invigorates and strengthens, aids digestion, and produces sound and refreshing sleep."

Rob: Pretty much the same as Ranier, minus the sound and refreshing sleep.

Who wants a refreshing Rainier?
This guy.

Does Edward's penis have anything in common with Vitamin R? We may never know...

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