Sunday, November 8, 2009

Token Team Jacob Post

In case any of you are keeping track, this is a post that doesn't mention Edward (dammit) about which the main focus is not Edward, nor Robert Pattinson.

Werewolves are cool!
  • Once they mature, they can either choose "forever" or they can control their phasing and return to a normal life.
  • In a pinch, they can fill in for a space heater.
  • They can be in love with a girl without resorting to creepy stalker tactics.
  • They put off a more lovable, sunshiney vibe than vampires.
  • Automotive repair skillz.
  • They're naked a lot.

But in all fairness, werewolves have some issues:
  • Pack mentality.
  • Sometimes it's creepy who they love.
  • They smell like dogs.
  • They don't sparkle, per se.
  • Even werewolves can be intimidated by Edward Cullen, bouffant hair and all. Hisssssss.
I wonder what werewolves know about Edward's penis?

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget: inappropriate thrumming.

    I can't wait I can't wait! Werewolves are gonna be sweeee-eeet.
