Saturday, November 7, 2009

We're In A Fight: Not Jammies

We at TDH are smack dab in the middle of our very first fight. Emilie's outrageous claims have created a rift in our relationship that may be irrepairable. Knowing what I now know about Emilie's refusal to use common sense and reason, I am amazed that we have managed to go this long without some sort of conflict.

What, you ask, did she do that is so reprehensible?

Exhibit A: Hot magazine photo.

"These are not my jammies."

This picture clearly shows some sort of preppy pant/shirt combo. While it's undeniably douchey (sidebar: don't you love how Rob makes even douchey outfits look hot?) it is clearly day wear and not loungewear. Look closely (I know you already have anyway) and you will note that Rob is wearing a belt. Pajamas aren't worn with belts! As if he would need a belt! Pajamas don't even have belt loops. And those aren't slippers, they are wing tips. Who would wear pajamas with wing tips? (Omg that's so hot. I mean, it's not pajamas!) Indeed, even the button down top that appears on first glance to exactly match the pants is actually being worn layered over some sort of patterned shirt. Who layers pajamas? Not even Robert Pattinson can be accused of this.

Emilie refuses to believe the undeniable evidence in front of her and insists that this getup is pajamas. I, on the other hand, acknowledge the truth.

I only hope that we are able to find a way to continue our TDH partnership in the face of this fundamental disagreement. I would ask our TDH readers to weigh in on this issue, but I don't wish to implicate you in this unfortunate turn of events.