Sunday, November 29, 2009

Team Deer Thanksgiving Special: Omnibus of thanks

First off, where would we be without the Easy Jasperilla? sober and flustered, that's where!

At least with the Easy Jasperilla we aren't sober...

Boys that smile.

at me.


Who know what we like


It's good for farmers and Robert Pattinson



Art House films...

And the invention of creative liberty


Who make this guy quote Shakespeare

Inguinal Crease

And sparkle nipples


In general

So, readership. What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for gratuitous pictures of boys, for costume designers that ignore Stephenie Meyer's costume descriptions, for awesome movie soundtracks, and most of all for the fact that sparkles in New Moon are not accompanied by wind chimes or whatever the hell that tinkling sound was in Twilight.
