Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Why Muse is the Official Band of Twilight

Stephenie Meyer has done exactly two brilliant things in her life:

1) Dream up Edward Cullen!
2) Have a giant boner for the band Muse.

It is also worth noting that December 15 marks exactly two brilliant occasions:

1) TDH celebrates its one year anniversary as everyone's favorite irreverent Twilight blog (your source for ongoing sparkle penis analysis and general Edward-related hilarity).
2) TDH sees Muse live for the first time, here in our very own Seattle, Washington!

In honor of the double double brilliancy, here's a look at Muse's newest album and how it's all about Edward's penis:

Exhibit A: Uprising

The whole "revolution" thing could be about the Cullens, with their alternative lifestyles, rising up against the Volturri. Or it could be literally something...rising...up.

Exhibit B: Resistance

This song is about the whole "forbidden" aspect of vampire/human love. Awwwww. How sweet. It could be wrong, could be wrong, but it should've been right. And it's about how they have to keep it secret and keep it safe.

Exhibit C: I Belong To You

Duh, it's on the New Moon Soundtrack, clearly it's an ode to Edward. However, you wouldn't notice it in the movie unless you were looking for it (twss). It plays in a random scene where Bella drives off to school in her truck.

The opening line is:

When these pillars get pulled down

Pillar, huh? Someone knows something about something! Moving on...as everyone knows, Bella was in so much pain in New Moon that she felt like she had a hole in her chest, because of Edward who is sparkley and powerful and fast, like lightning:

How much pain has quaked your soul?
How much love could make you whole?

You're my guiding lightning strike.

And then there's the obvious -- Bella dashes off to Italy to save Edward from his misguided suicide attempt:

I've traveled half the world to say, I belong to you

EXHIBIT D: Unnatural Selection

One word: Renesmee.


No, this song is not about a light beer. It's about the biggest lie ever told, by one Edward Cullen, upon breaking up with Bella, and about Bella hallucinating the Ghost of Edward as a result.

How much deception can you take?
How many lies will you create?

How much longer until you break?

Your mind's about to fall.

Exhibit F: Guiding Light

More New Moon pain. This time it's Edward's pain, after he leaves Bella for her own good:

And fragile and stripped to the core
I can't hurt you anymore

A reference to sparkle:

And sunshine, trapped in our hearts

And then this:

It could rise again, but I'm lost
And crushed
I'm cold and confused
with no guiding light left inside

You were guiding, lig

Hmmm. Sounds like Edward is having a very specific problem, now that he ran away from Bella. That'll teach him.

Exhibit H: Undisclosed Desires

If they were smart, Muse would have had black and white video footage of Bella and Edward (or just Edward) rolling around on a sandy beach, a la Chris Issak/Wicked Game. Instead, they opted for the band performing in a studio with some lady dancing around in an outfit made out of what is either guitar cables or those automated car wash scrubbers. Neither is sexy. And yet this song is oozing with sexy!

You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine

Please me,
Show me how it's done,

Tease me,
You are the one

Not only is that hot, it's clearly about Edward (who thinks he's souless, and is still a virgin anyway) and Bella (who's trying to get under his teeth and into his pants, but not trying hard enough if you know what I'm sayin').

The chorus is all about the whole "Edward is a contradiction" thing with the beauty and the danger and the demons and the sex:

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask

I want to exorcise the demons from your past

I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

All that Twilight sexual tension (read: Edward without a shirt on, looking pained) would have a made a great video for this song. The key-tar and the flailing dancer tangled in cables? Not so much.

In review:
Not Sexy


Hey wait a minute. Is this a double mic, or is it someone's sparkely...nevermind.

Then there are some symphonic pieces that I haven't paid much attention to, but I'm sure they're just fantastic and evocative of everyone's favorite sparkley bits.

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