Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cocktail Recipe: Easy Jasperilla

Eaaaaasy, Jasper.

We at TDH found this concoction to be a most suitable remedy for The Swooning. It is quite effective in controlling the mood in a room--much as its namesake might do. We found this beverage particularly helpful when we were assaulted with the unanticipated Edward-bites-Bella-in-Biology-Class bit on the extras DVD.

I'll take a shot of that. Or a whole glass full, on ice. This one sparkles too!

Easy Jasperilla

Whiskey or burbon
Root beer

Serve as a shot, or on the rocks. Swizzle. Just add fainting couch (one per person.) Thanks to HP for thinking up the most brilliant cocktail name of her LIFE.

And speaking of fainting couches, we still know almost nothing about Edward's penis.

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