Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's Rhetorical: Edward's Voice

What's hotter: Edward as-is, or Edward with a British accent?

Everything about me invites you in — my voice, my face, even my smell. As if I need any of that!

And still we know practically nothing about Edward's penis.


  1. I think it would be great if Edward lapsed into a British accent to make fun of Bella's obsession with the classics: Jane Austen books, Romeo and Juliet, etc.

  2. A British accent would probably make Edward less douchey.

  3. Finally! I can make comments on your Twilighalicious blog! Now, where was I? Oh yes - the PHOTO! Love it. Edward should DEFINITELY use a British accent. Of course, if he did, the world might explode from so much perfection. -Mrs. Beier

  4. Of course he is. Bloodsucking can chap his delicate lips you know.
